Thursday, April 30, 2009

Thursday Thank You: Chocolate Chip Cookies

"If there's no chocolate in heaven, I'm not going."

Another Thursday, another day to give thanks.

Today I baked some chocolate chip cookies...and as I was popping one in my mouth - fresh from the oven - the one thought that went through my head was, "Mmmmmm.....heaven."

I love chocolate chip cookies. I think if you ranked desserts, it would be #1 on my list. Seriously. What could be possibly better than a hot, gooey chocolate chip cookie right out of a warm oven...with a tall glass of ice-cold milk??!

So, I did a little research on chocolate chips...I figure if I'm being thankful for it, I should learn a little about it, right? So, chocolate chip cookies were invented in 1933 when Ruth Wakefield added cut-up chunks of a semi-sweet Nestlé chocolate bar to a cookie recipe. She worked at the Toll House Inn near Whitman, Massachusetts at the time. So, the cookies were a huge success (duh!) and Wakefield reached an agreement with Nestlé to add her recipe to the chocolate bar's packaging in exchange for a lifetime supply of chocolate. Sweet! Now, that's a deal!

I could eat chocolate chip cookies every single day. For the rest of my life. And never get tired of them. Never.

Now, having said that, I think I'll go and um...just...sample another one. You know, I have to make sure they taste all right before I give them to the kiddies, right?


1 comment:

linn. said...

what recipe do you use for those cookies? they look delicious!!